SEM: the winner of the credit crunch?

With companies scrutinising their online marketing spend carefully, some mediums may lose out but Search Engine Marketing won’t be one of them, according to the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organisation (SEMPO).

They’re conducting a survey of UK businesses and their attitudes to spend on SEM during the economic downturn, and so far the results are supporting their theory, with all respondents agreeing on their ‘credit crunch growth’ theory.

iCrossing’s Paul Doleman, Chair of SEMPO, sums up their thinking: ‘search engine marketing is sometimes referred to as “performance
marketing” and that is for the very sound reason that marketing
expenditure becomes directly linked to performance.
In other words,‘if
my advertising isn’t working, it’s also not costing me anything.’

Read the full article at Netimperative or if you’ve got a view on it – take the survey

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